Daniel Medvedov Artist and Scholar 17.6.2011

Daniel Medvedov Artist and Scholar 17.6.2011

Am Fr 17.06.2011

Artist and Scholar

Half of a century ago, in the same city where the dramaturgist Eugene Inonesco was born, Slatina, Daniel Medvedov enters in the world. His father was an artist. For some twenty years he was involved in art, music and gymnastics studies.

At the age of twenty was one of the ten accepted students to the IATC the International Institute of Theatrical and Cinematic Arts in Bucharest, Romania, at the section called Image & Photography. After five years he is a graduate, with a "Exceptional" note to the final exam.

He moved to Venezuela where, for some twenty-five years was a University Professor at the Central University of Venezuela, Catholic University Andres Bello of Caracas, and other universitary centers as UPEL, IUPG, CEMA, UNEY, etc.

After presenting his dissertation on Philosophy of Change, 1981, he received the Doctorate in Philosophy from the hands of His Holiness Nan Huai Chin, in Taipei, China, Zen Master and University Professor of the East-West Essence Society, the International Institute of Cultural Studies. In the same year, DM was ivited as a Honorary Advisor at the Institute of Chinese Medicine of Taipei, Taiwan. He is a Correspondent Member of the Medical Siety of Surgery of Hand, in Caracas Venezuela.

In one word we may define an entire life: Education. He is an Educator.
How may you educate young people and adults?
By means of silence . . .

He wrote many books, travelled much, lived in more than twenty countries.

At the same time, DM was recognized by many students as a spiritual master, a tutor and mentor. He was an Academic Tutor of many students in Venezuela and abroad, His friend and colleague, William Scott Wilson cited him in many of his books. Together, they did the pilgrimage of Kiso Road and Kyoto Zen Temples in Japan, As an artist, DM presented his art in Europe, USA, China, Venezuela.

He seems to know almost nothing but, what he does really know is that he is nobody.
His poetry has the certain scent of a meditative experience which marked him in all his endeavours.
For now he established his art studio in Vienna, Austria, where he opened his hand to everybody. This expression means in the philosophical view of both oriental and occidental tradition, that he dedicated his life to teach . . .
DM, 17.6.2011
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  • Daniel Medvedov, Madrid